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Strategic Innovation Services

We serve small and medium sized companies with a focus in the education sector with high quality innovation and productivity services:

Design Thinking

Design Thinking and Ideation

Our team will work with your organization to help you inovate and grow. Together we explore new ideas for products, services and user experiences.

Data Science

Data Science Solutions

Use our staff and our expertise to design and plan your data strategies.

Strategic Development

Strategic Development

Our team will support you in designing the right internal stuctures and systems to foment innovation from within your organization.

Introduction to Programming and Data Science

For most users, coding and data science remains a black box. However, coding, specially artificial intelligence, is now an ubiquitous part of modern life. This course allows you to gain indispensable data science skills, including programming in Python, basics of machine learning, and creating data pipe lines and powerful visualizations.


Productivity Tools and Systems

Develop productivity systems to get better organized, both physically and digitally, and t0 improve workflow when dealing with emails, notes, tasks, etc.


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Gecko Strategic Solutions strives to foment innovation and future skills. Discover what it can do for your business organization right away.

  • Apply design thinking and get results today
  • Learn to harness the power of data for better decision making and communication
  • Increase efficiency by adopting simple yet powerful systems
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About The Team

Meet our team of consultants and advisors who will help you drive innovation in your industry and expand into new emerging markets


Alex Jurgenson

Director & Senior Consultant


Fung Kwan Lee

Senior Consultant


Ziver Olmez

Senior Advisor


Jasper Leung

Junior Advisor

Contact Information

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